Features Demo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam metus lacus, maximus eu viverra vitae, porttitor nec mauris. Maecenas imperdiet velit purus, ac bibendum nisl volutpat eget. Nullam eleifend ante et nibh interdum, non ullamcorper ipsum fermentum. Donec volutpat posuere molestie. Image Processing Pipeline Usage Input: {{< image src="/img/mandarin-duck.jpg" title="A male Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) at sunset in Hanover Zoo." width="800" >}} Output: All parameters are optional with the exception of src.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam metus lacus, maximus eu viverra vitae, porttitor nec mauris. Maecenas imperdiet velit purus, ac bibendum nisl volutpat eget. Nullam eleifend ante et nibh interdum, non ullamcorper ipsum fermentum. Donec volutpat posuere molestie.

Image Processing Pipeline



{{< image src="/img/mandarin-duck.jpg" title="A male Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) at sunset in Hanover Zoo." width="800" >}}


A male Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) at sunset in Hanover Zoo.

All parameters are optional with the exception of src. It will error if src is not set and warn if no image was found at the path.

Alt and Title

Use title to display a tooltip when hovering the image. If alt is missing, title is automatically used as it. If both are missing, it will thrown an warning.


Images placed at static/ will be used as-is while images at assets/ will be converted to WebP and resized while preserving aspect ratio. The target width is the width parameter which defaults to 800px in case it’s missing.