How to create a Military Tactical Graphic

Tactical Graphics are a sub section of the Military Symbology defined in MIL-STD-2525 and APP-6 standards. This group of symbols include graphics with one or more reference points and typically describe an action or a military task.

Follow these steps to create (draw) a Military Symbol containing more than one reference point.

1. Select Tactical Graphic

The MSS Symbol Search sub-window provides the functions to find the Base Symbol of a Tactical Graphic.

  1. Click on MSS Symbol Search button to open the search window.

  2. Search the Tactical Graphic by name. Use defined name accrding to the military symbol standards (e.g. MIL-STD-2525).

  1. The results of the search are listed in the right section of the sub-window. The Base Symbol of the Tactical Graphic can be selected (click on symbol).

  2. Close the Symbol Search sub-window using one of the following two options:

    Close the sub-window and add the selected Tactical Graphic to the Main Window of the Military Symbol Generator
    Go back to Main Window (no changes applied)

2. Add/Modify Attributes

“MSS Symbol Editor” window provides a simple interface to edit the symbol attributes of the Tactical Graphic.

  1. Click on the “MSS Symbol Editor” icon to open the sub-window.

  2. The symbol attributes are tabulated in pulldown menus in header of the window. Only the atrributes supported in the Tactical Graphic are listed in the MSS Symbol Editor. Select an attribute to activate or change.

  1. To get more information on a specific attribute click on the ‘i’ icon.

  2. Close the MSS Symbol Editor sub-window using one of the following two options:

    Add the Tactical Graphic with the modified attributes to the Main Window
    Close the “MSS Symbol Editor” and go back to the Main Window (no changes applied)

3. Add Modifiers

“MSS Symbol Editor” window provides all supported Modifiers of the selected Tactical Graphic.

  1. Click on the “MSS Symbol Editor” icon to open the Search window

  2. The symbol modifiers (text-modifiers) are listed in a panel on the left side of the sub-window.

  1. Click on the info element (i) to receive more information on a specific symbol modifier.

  2. Select the modifier to add text.

  3. Close the MSS Symbol Editor sub-window using one of the following two options:

    Add the Military Symbol including the added Modifiers to the Main Window
    Close the “MSS Symbol Editor” and go back to the Main Window (no changes applied)

4. Draw Graphic (Edit Points)

“Point Editor” sub window provides the function to draw the Tactical Graphic.

  1. Click on the “Point Editor” button to open the sub-window to edit the Reference Points of the Tactical Graphic.

  2. The sub window provides the function to move, add and remove the Reference Points of Tactical Graphic:

  1. Close the sub-window using one of the following two options:
    Add the Military Symbol including the added Modifiers to the Main Window
    Close the “MSS Symbol Editor” and go back to the Main Window (no changes applied)
Hint: A detailed description of the functions in the "MSS Point Editor" sub-window can be found in this article.