Share Military Symbol via URL

The simple way to send a Military Symbol.

Share Function

“Share Symbol via URL” creates an URL of the symbol in the Main Window and copies it to you clipboard:

  1. Press “Share Symbol via URL” to generate a Share Link

  2. The created link (URL) can be pasted into another application or directly into the address bar of a web browser. Opening the URL will load the Military Symbol Generator displaying the shared Symbol.


“Share Symbol via URL” creates an URL of the symbol in the Main Window and copies it to you clipboard. Check how a symbol can be loaded using such an URL. Copy the following Link:<Symbol ID="SNGAUSX---AF---"
  ><Attribute ID="M">34</Attribute><Attribute ID="T">12</Attribute></Symbol
>&mssNPoint=false&symbolFormat={"base":"<SymbolFormat RelativeFontSize=\"0.33\"
RelativeLineWidth=\"0.025\" SymbolSize=\"13mm\" UseShadow=\"True\"

Load the URL using your default web-browser. The following military symbol should be loaded: